My first autoguided image – M51
I wasnt planning on creating anything worthwhile last night, it was planned to just use the OAG and PHD to learn how to get the auto guiding working. I wasnt even looking at the images being created, I was just watching PHD and the guiding application…. but then I processed the images this morning and thought it might be worth at least showing it.
OTA: Celestron NexStar 8 GPS + Wedge
Images: Canon 350D Unmodded, DSLR Focus, 10 x 3min @ ISO1600, 5 x darks
Guiding: Off Axis Guider, PHD + Meade DSI-C
Processing: DeepSkyStacker, Photoshop CS
Please note: As I had reinstalled DSLRFocus in the last few days, dumbass here didnt notice that I managed to take the sequence as normal/small jpegs, and not large/raw… doh! So not only are the originals small, they are also all 8 bit data… double doh!
for reference, here is a unprocessed single sub
Anyway, I`ll be returning to get more data for M51, with longer subs, and more time… and large/raw images!!!
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